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Yoga, cats and peace

I usually wake up at 6 a.m. and start my morning asana practice. I particularly like that time of the day because that's one of the rare moments where almost the whole neighbourhood is asleep including my husband. It's just me and of course my cats. They like watching me while I'm practising and sometimes they like participating :) Let's say I'm doing a sirshasana - head stand and I'm alone on the mat while I'm elevating my legs but while I'm coming down I'm with Lydia, one of my cats. She loves to lie down at that specific moment I don't know why. My mat is bright pink and my cats are dark grey and my cats on my mat is a beautiful combination. I'll take a picture one day to show you.

This morning I couldn't wake up, I was so tired and I slept till 7.30 a.m. I woke up ignoring my body protesting. I brushed my teeth and jumped on my mat once again. This is what I've been telling you, no matter how tired you are you still find your way to the mat as yoga is highly addictive :) It all starts with 2 classes a week in a yoga studio and ends with daily practice at home with your own mat. It becomes a life style transforming you every day.

The last few weeks were crazy. We were both trying to get used to this beautiful but crazy city after the calmness of Switzerland, not a very easy job let me tell you. We didn't make it any easier. In a very short period of time we got a new apartment, we became scuba divers, bought new furniture for the new place, got back our cats from my mom, I participated a very intense workshop and we both started working. Now our apartment is full of boxes, there's hardly room to walk. I didn't have a chance to see my friends yet. I don't complain, in fact I am grateful for everything that the universe's providing me. I love my life but I am a little tired :)

Even in this mess there's always room for a yoga mat ;)Today as I was so tired I found myself practising less number of asanas in longer periods. I did a lot of balasana - child's pose which is a resting pose. Balasana calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue. I guess that's what I needed most, slowing down my mind, decreasing my heart rate and going inwards to digest all this fast change in my life. Then I realised once more that it's not a conscious choice which asanas to practice. My body and my psyche picks the asanas for that day. This is body and mind awareness. All I have to do is just to tune into it and I'll be fine. If I keep being in line with my body I can't do wrong. Now I am more energetic and more in the flow. I am more decisive and ready for another busy day.

My mat is my sanctuary, it's maybe the only thing that helps me keep my sanity in this crazy schedule. Oh let's not forget my cats. Yoga and cats are definitely my way to peace. Love, peace and harmony ;)

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